News & Events
29 avril 2020
White Paper on the LEMON « FRUIT »
The LEMON project is pleased to present the first results on the so-called Frequency Reference UnIT (FRUIT) manufacturing, which are exposed in the "White paper: The LEMON FRUIT: An absolute frequency reference concept for future spaceborne multi species differential absorption Lidar instruments", by partner SPACETECH.
In order to obtain accurate greenhouse gas concentrations from DIAL measurements, the knowledge of the emitted laser wavelengths is important. Within the LEMON instrument, it is the FRUIT which measures the laser pulses sent out by the transmitter module.
Besides the development of the FRUIT for the LEMON airborne instrument, the White Paper also investigates the development of a space-compatible design of the FRUIT. This involves in particular the identification of components which are critical with respect to the space environment, an assessment on their suitability, and if required, to provide alternative solutions.