News & Events

22 mai 2023

LEMON Final Public Workshop scheduled on 11 July 2023

The LEMON project is happy to announce the organisation of Final Project Public Workshop which will take place as an online event on Tuesday, 11th July 2023, from 17:00 to 18:00 (CEST).

The Final Public Workshop of the LEMON project aims to showcase and discuss the main results of the LEMON project, which ends in June 2023. The workshop targets a wide audience, including Space Agencies, the Scientific Community, Project Officers from the DG DEFIS, but also Students communities from different European countries.

Four presentations will be given by LEMON partners on the project key achievements, followed by a final discussion session. The detailed workshop programme is provided in the workshop leaflet, available for download.

The Final Public Workshop is an open event that anyone can attend. There are no registration fees. However, attendees are asked to confirm their attendance by e-mail to myriam.raybaut[at] and sofia.santi[at] by 30th June 2023.

For more information you can contact the LEMON Coordination team at myriam.raybaut[at] and sofia.santi[at]

Follow the LEMON project on LinkedIn for up-to-date information on the event.

We look forward to virtually meeting you at the workshop!