News & Events
08 septembre 2022
The LEMON project at ICSO 2022!
The International Conference on Space Optics 2022 will take place on 3-7 October 2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. It is the 14th edition of the largest meeting worldwide of experts working in all disciplines of Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Technologies for Space Applications, which makes it a key dissemination venue for the LEMON project.
As for the 2021 edition, LEMON will be well represented at this year’s ICSO 2022 edition.
The LEMON Project Coordinator, Myriam Raybaut from ONERA, with give an oral presentation about ‘‘Pump Tunable Mirroless OPO: an Innovative Concept for Future Space IPDA Emitters’’ which is the fruit of a collaboration between consortium partners KTH (Kjell Martin Mølster, Patrick Mutter, Andrius Zukauskas, Carlota Canalias, Fredrik Laurell, Valdas Pasiskevicius), ONERA (Marie Guionie, Jean-Baptiste Dherbecourt, Jean-Michel Melkonian, Myriam Raybaut, Antoine Godard) and CNRS (Xavier Delen, Patrick Georges).
Furthermore, SpaceTech will give a presentation entitled ‘‘Development and test of a broadband absolute frequency reference with sub-MHz precision based on a GHz mode locked laser source’’, which is based on a paper co-authored by several LEMON partners, i.e., SpaceTech (Dirk Heinecke, Lukas Nagy, David Fehrenbacher, Hanjo Schäfer), ONERA (Myriam Raybaut, Jean-Baptiste Dherbecourt), in collaboration with other partners outside the LEMON consortium (Florian Emaury, Benjamin Rudin).
The papers will be available soon in the ICSO 2022 proceedings. For more information, you can visit the conference website at