News & Events
16 novembre 2020
LEMON project results presented at the 19th International Conference Laser Optics – ICLO 2020
The LEMON project was particularly well represented at the 19th International Conference Laser Optics - ICLO 2020, which took place between 2 - 6 November 2020 in St-Peterburg, Russia. This biannual conference is a main event in the field of laser physics, optics, and photonics, which attracts more than 1000 attendees from all over the world. To overcome travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an Online version of the conferences was also put in place, which was an outstanding success as it was able to attract more than 7000 participants.
LEMON consortium partner, Valdas Pasiskevicius (KTH), organized and chaired the Topical Committee “Lasers and Systems for Imaging, Green Photonics and Sustainability”. Several talks were given under this session, covering many topics such as Lasers and Systems for Imaging, Green Photonics and Sustainability, Ground, air, and space-borne LIDARs for greenhouse gasses, etc.
LEMON Coordinator Myriam Raybaut and Jean-Michel Melkonian (ONERA) were invited speakers for a talk on LEMON Multi-species emitters and differential absorption Lidars for green-house gases monitoring. This was the opportunity to present LEMON consortium most recent work on differential absorption lidars, for ground and airborne measurements of greenhouse gases. A focus was given on the development of high-energy, wavelength-tunable single-frequency optical sources in the 2μm-range. This was a very good opportunity to disseminate some of the project results within a scientific audience.
The ICLO 2020 conference recorded talks and the virtual poster session are available to watch for free till the end of November at the link
The picture shows ONERA representative during his virtual speech at ICLO 2020 conference.