News & Events
14 avril 2021
The LEMON project at the front stage at the ICSO conference 2021
The LEMON project was well represented at the 13th edition of the International Conference on Space Optics (ICSO), which was held virtually between the 30th March and the 2nd April 2021.
The ICSO conference is the world's largest meeting of experts who are active in all disciplines of optical, optoelectronic and photonic technologies for space applications. As such, it makes it a primary target event for the LEMON project.
Indeed, two lectures were given by LEMON partners, based on contributions provided jointly by all technical consortium partners.
The first lecture focused on the LEMON instrument design and was presented under the title: “Design and pre-development of an airborne multi-species differential absorption Lidar system for water vapor and HDO isotope, carbon dioxide and methane observation”. Jean-Baptiste Dherbecourt (ONERA) gave the presentation; the LEMON consortium teams from ONERA, CNRS, KTH, SpaceTech GmbH, Fraunhofer ILT, Innolas Laser and UiB provided their contributions to the related paper. The presentation was recorded and is available on Youtube. Please note that the link will expire in 5 months.
Furthermore, a poster presentation under the title: “Frequency comb based absolute frequency reference design for future spaceborne multi species differential absorption lidar systems for green-house gases monitoring“ took place, which focused on the LEMON Frequency Reference Unit (FRUIT). The presentation was given by Dirk Heinecke (SpaceTech), whereas the drafting of the related paper was supported by the project consortium team from SpaceTech and ONERA.
Both presentations were successful and raised challenging questions and discussions among the participants. Approximatively 35 people attended the LEMON conference lecture and 25 people attended the poster presentation.
The ICSO conference was a good opportunity for LEMON partners to meet mission experts, address the lessons learnt from past developments and identify the next necessary developments for employing Lidar technologies and techniques in all types of Space missions.
The ICSO conference proceedings will become available in Open Access in the coming months in the SPIE DIgital Library.