News & Events
27 mars 2023
LEMON DIAL mechanical integration
In the past few months, some key technical milestones were achieved: the LEMON receiver integration was completed end of 2022, whereas the emitter mechanical integration took place in January 2023. The LEMON consortium is thus pleased to announce that the mechanical integration of the LEMON Differential Absorption Lidar is completed.
New challenges now wait for us until the project end in June 2023, i.e., the overall instrument optical alignment, the remote control and DIAL tests, and the final airborne demonstration phase onboard the Safire ATR-42.
Some key project results will be presented at the LEMON Final Public Workshop, that will take place online mid of July 2023. Stay tuned for more information on the event date and agenda.
Figure 1: Detail of the receiver telescope within the instrument structure.
Figure 2: Vincent Lebat and Marine Dalin (mechanical engineers) and Philippe Nicolas (technician) working on the generic lidar platform assembling at Onera in Palaiseau and the telescope integration.
Figure 3: Emitter delivery from Fraunhofer ILT to ONERA Palaiseau, and last emitter characterization tests. From left to right: Jean-Pierre Faleni (ONERA), Myriam Raybaut (ONERA, Project Coordinator), Michael Strotkamp (Fraunhofer ILT), Philippe Nicolas (ONERA), Jean-Baptiste Dherbecourt (ONERA).
Figure 4: DIAL instrument set-up in March 2023 at Onera premises, in Palaiseau.