News & Events
21 juillet 2023
Feedback from the LEMON Final Public Workshop and Final Review meeting
The final act of the LEMON project was played on 11th-12th July 2023, with the LEMON M54 General Assembly meeting, the Final Public Workshop and the Final Review meeting.
The Final Public Workshop of the LEMON project was held online on Tuesday, 11th July 2023 (refer to Workshop leaflet here
Through this event, the LEMON consortium partners aimed at showcasing the main results achieved in the project, which ended in June 2023. The workshop succeeded in gathering a wide and key audience, including Space Agencies, Space Industry, the Scientific Community, Project Officers from the DG DEFIS, but also Students communities from different European countries.
Four presentations were given by LEMON partners, which are made publicly available for downlad below:
- Presentation 1 / Main author: Myriam Raybaut (ONERA) / Title: Project Overview: download
- Presentation 2 / Main author: Cyrille Flamant (CNRS) / Title: Unveiling water cycle processes in the troposphere using stable isotopic composition measurements: download
- Presentation 3 / Main author: Jean-Baptiste Dherbecourt (ONERA) / Title: LEMON Instrument and Preliminary Results: download
- Presentation 4 / Main author: Hanjo Schäfer (SpaceTech GmbH) / Title: Qualification for space and roadmap towards spaceborne operation: download
On the following day, 12th July 2023, the LEMON partners gathered with the EC Project Officer, Florence Beroud, and the external reviewer, Maria Losurdo, in Palaiseau, at ONERA premises, for the Final Review meeting.
The review assessment was positive, both with respect to the work performed, as well as on future perspectives to build on the results achieved, in view of continuing improving EU competence. Specifically, the EC PO and reviewer appreciated the work done in the project, from the technical, but also management, and communication-dissemination point of view. The Coordinator, Myriam Raybaut, was congratulated for the great technical coordination and all partners for their successful collaboration in the project.
LEMON partners whish to thank all attendees for participating in the workshop, and all followers for their interest in the LEMON project.
For any information regarding the project, please contact LEMON Project Coordinator at myriam.raybaut[at]