News & Events
01 avril 2021
LEMON peer-reviewed article about LEMON instrument design and its emitter optical design published in the Special Issue of Atmosphere journal
The LEMON consortium is delighted to announce that the peer-reviewed article "High Energy Parametric Laser Source and Frequency-Comb-Based Wavelength Reference for CO2 and Water Vapor DIAL in the 2 µm Region: Design and Pre-Development Experimentations" has been published in Atmosphere journal on 20th March 2021 as part of the Special Issue Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, with Tamer F. Refaat as Academic Editor.
LEMON partners from ONERA, Fraunhofer ILT, KTH, Spacetech GmbH, InnoLas Laser and CNRS have contributed to this achievement.
The full article is available online in open access here, whereas the PDF Version can be downloaded here.